Monday, March 3, 2008

“Throwing Pennies at God”

You wake up under the clouds. And above them. Rain falls down and up around you. Somehow, you’re neither wet nor cold… and you don’t remember how you got there. In fact, you don’t remember much at all.

There’s pressure on your shoulder. You turn to see a young man without a smile. He does, however, have wings. And a goatee. His hair is dyed bright purple and his wings a dark green.

“My name is, Dilgone,” he tells you. “Do you remember your name?”

“… no,” you tell him.

“So, you probably haven’t figured out where you are, yet.” He rolls his eyes and sighs before taking out a laminated card from a pants pocket. "Close your eyes and clear your mind," he reads. "Focus on yourself, pushing out everything around you that you do not recognize. Let your memories flow back to you." He puts the card back, then pulls a joint out of another pocket. "Quicker would be better than slow."

You close your eyes after taking a few steps away from Dilgone. You see flashes of people, but not clearly enough to see faces or even genders. There's a smell you can't place, but find comforting. Someone is screaming. It sounds like they're far away, but you can almost make out...

"So..." Dilgone interrupts. "What's your deal?"

Who are you...

1. Sara: A 23-year-old man. Tall, average weight, brown hair. You have fingerless gloves on and black pants. There's a tattoo on your right index finger that reads, "is".

2. Reggie: A 34-year-old man. Average height, average build, blonde hair. You're wearing blue-jeans and a puffy sweater with an open hand, palm out, on the front. There's a long scar along the length of your neck on your left.

3. Erin: A 17-year-old girl. Short, thin, black hair. You have on motorcycle boots and steampunk goggles. There's a stud in your tongue.